Data and privacy

Last updated: 07/02/2018

We take the privacy of data very seriously and in the course of our business, we want to inform our users about what we do with it. You will find below all the necessary information concerning the storage and processing of this data. Information about cookies is also available on this page.


Personal data

When you log into Infinitweet, we collect the information from your Twitter profile that we need in order to offer you our services. Among this information, we store your:
  • • unique Twitter ID
  • • username (@)
  • • name
  • • authentication token
  • • authentication token secret
  • • language
The other information you can see on your profile is temporarily stored in your session, just log out to delete it.


By default, Infinitweet does not store the results of what you do. However, you can activate this option to have a history of your results in your profile. Among this information, we store:
  • • the user to whom the result belongs
  • • the name of the feature
  • • the timestamp of the result


When you perform the various features present on the site, we make calls to the Twitter API with your previously stored tokens.

Information: we use your tokens to be able being as accurate as possible in our results. Thus, if you follow one or more users with a protected account for example, we will be able to include them in the results if necessary.

Here's what we can be led to get:
  • • your feed
  • • your tweets/retweets
  • • your mentions
  • • your followers
  • • your following
This information is only collected and processed, we do not store it.


When you log in to Infinitweet, we ask for basic read access to your account and write access. We will not carry out any action without your express request by activating an option from the site.

Information: you can revoke the access you gave us when you logged in at any time from your your Twitter profile.

Automatic tweet

In order to be able to use certain features, we may ask you to enable the automatic tweet option for results. If you agree to enable this option, a tweet will be published for each result with the generated image.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about Infinitweet, please do not hesitate to contact us via Twitter or email, we will be happy to answer you!